

Children deserve to recognise their potential, whatever their unique talent. We provide opportunities for children to overcome barriers to learning, and have the chance to explore subjects and talents that give them the chance to shine. We do this by funding groups and initiatives, by providing free to access tools, books and resources, and by delivering hands-on workshops.
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Why This Matters

Children shine in different ways, some academic, some practical, some in the arts, some through subjects not taught as part of the curriculum. Many adults recount their school experience as a negative one. If you don’t happen to shine in one of the measured areas of primary education then you can reach adulthood with the reinforced belief that you aren’t clever, able or important. Imagine being a child who struggles with worksheets, but thrives by learning through play, or a child who can’t get their head around language but excels in music. Our work is about supporting children where they need it, and also giving opportunities to see they have talents, worth and ability that may not have been picked up in the classroom.

“What makes a child gifted and talented may not always be good grades in school, but a different way of looking at the world”
– Chuck Grassley
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4 Local | 2 National
Maths for All
Maths for All

The UK struggles with a large number of children’s basic numeracy skills. The impact and lifelong disadvantage to those children is well known, but not helped by the poor brand image of maths. Benedict found joy in maths, but for maths to be fun and accessible to all there’s a need to identify new ways of doing things to turn it around.

Maths for All works alongside concerted programmes of work, including Centre for Early Mathematics Learning (CEML) which help to understand how children think about maths and to develop new, effective models for improving maths ability in the UK.

There are more tools, games and programmes than ever before, and the Maths for All programme seeks to collate, curate, evaluate and recognise the best creative, play-based, practical and effective learning methods. The ambition is to make it easier for schools, home educators and parents to identify what’s good and to access it more easily. The UK-wide Maths for All programme will do this by co-producing innovation libraries, establishing awards and gathering insight from children and educators.

Maths and Problem Solving Library
Maths and Problem Solving Library

20 games purchased from the Happy Puzzle Company to establish a Maths and Problem Solving Lending Library for children to take games home and play with their families, bringing to life maths for children who haven’t engaged before and also making maths games accessible to those who can’t afford a range of games at home. Donated March 2022.

CREST Awards
CREST Awards

Telling the personal stories and experiences of children who had been impacted by STEM-based activities at CREST and design input on the kit box programme to support the delivery of the awards activities. CREST helps young people become independent and reflective learners through enquiry-based project work. CREST Awards are flexible, cost effective. and can be run in schools, clubs or at home. With no set timetable, projects can start whenever you want, and take as long as you need. This is a workthwhile project as there was a 38% average increase in likelihood of studying STEM subjects at AS level for Free School Meal (FSM) eligible students who successfully complete Silver CREST Award.

Art and Creativity Kits
Art and Creativity Kits

Funding of art equipment for all pupils in the school, with each of the 170 pupils receiving their own sketch book and materials including coloured pencils, oil pastels, watercolour, paelttes, paint rollers, charcoal, craft materials and clay. These will be used from September 2022 onwards so children benefit from using the sketch book during the full school year.

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